May turned out to be a pretty active month for the Python User Group! We are happy to announce that the Python User Group now has an official Youtube channel where we will release the monthly meetup presentations and of course PyCon videos for future PyCons.

We had a good turnout during the monthly meetup at the RedHat office. Around 30 people showed up and we enjoyed two talks:

Many thanks to Dozer for sponsoring pizza for the meetup and of course to Red Hat for hosting us!

In addition to our normal monthly meetup, Martin also gave a beginner friendly 90 minute workshop as part of our partnership with the National Library Board (NLB):

If you would like to give a talk at an upcoming meetup, please submit your talk proposal here:

We have 25 members subscribed to this publication now. If you would like to stay up to date on all things Python in Singapore, please consider to subscribe to our newsletter. If you would like to get notified when we schedule new meetups. consider to subscribe to our Meetup group.

Our Telegram group grew to 56 members this month. We share invite link to this group during our in-person meetups. This is to make sure that the group consists of real people and is not flooded with bots and marketeers.

Our Meetup group grew to 6166 members. Now that COVID is over, we have seen an uptick in group signups and also in actual attendance numbers.

We have 5 paid members now. Find out more about our paid membership, here. At this stage, the cost for maintaining this community are still higher than our collected membership fees. We are working on a cost breakdown for you all so that you can see what it takes to keep this community alive. We hope that more members of the community will see value in the meetups that we organize and consider to become full society members.